Thursday, June 24, 2010

Update #5

Dr. Scamman, the anesthesiologist just came out to talk to me. They are in the process of stripping tumor off the facial nerve - an extremely delicate process given that we are trying to preserve it. They believe it will take another 3 hours to complete the surgery. Dr. Ganz is taking a break. Dr. Wooson is taking over for a while. The anestheiosology crew is rotating shifts and Kathleen is stable. Dr. Scamman indicaed everything is going well. The size of the tumor is what is causing the lengthy surgery. I am sure Kathleen will be glad to have all this behind her. I probably won't have another update for a couple hours, and the waiting room I am in closes at 6pm, so I will move to the ICU waiting room, boot up and give another update in a couple hours.
--- Mark


  1. Mark -- your spirit and on-line voice are so much like Kathleen's. I am one of her DET buddies and have been checking for updates all day. It sounds like she is in good hands and I am glad they are not rushing the dissection - but it must be agonizing for you to be waiting so long. Take care and know there are peopl earound the world with you, Kathleen and your girls in their thoughts, prayers, wishes etc.

  2. Lots of people holding you and Kathleen in prayer today! Thanks for the updates... another one of her DET friends, Sharon1313.

  3. sending you lots of love and light from Texas..holding you, Kathleen, and your family in my prayers

    Stan from Texas

  4. Mark,

    We continue to send our prayers your way, and know Kathleen is in great hands.

    Lisa, Tim & Jack
